Industrial Design, Mechanical Engineering, & Business Strategy


Digital solution for memorial photo collection


Quilt is an online memorial platform that helps those who have lost loved ones build a sense of community among the bereaved, gather a complete collection of digital remembrances, and celebrate life in a uniquely immersive experience.


|| Overview

One of the most important ways that families and friends honor loved ones who have passed away is by gathering to share stories, pictures, and other artifacts with each other. There is an innate desire to collect and share memories all throughout our lives, but often it is not until death that we understand the importance of and make time for this kind of exercise. We heard from interviewees that after someone's passing, sorting through shoeboxes of old photographs is a common activity and can be a valuable part of the healing process. Not only is this soothing for the bereaved, but it offers an opportunity for families to collect valuable memories from a larger network of people.  

Quilt is a next generation memorial service that allows people to create beautiful virtual documents to memorialize their loved ones.  By using a simple interface, friends and family can contribute remembrances of any kind (pictures, videos, letters, songs, etc.) that then get stitched together to form a virtual quilt to be enjoyed by all. In an increasingly distanced and digital world, Quilt is a valuable solution for gathering digital remembrances between loved ones spread around the world.


|| Framing Research

The design process of Quilt was centered on three significant insights that we uncovered in our research phase. 1: Networks of friends and families are increasingly spread out, often finding themselves separated by large geographic distances. Getting everyone together in the event of a death is challenging and stressful. 2: The proliferation of digital media has made it increasingly difficult to compile memorial assets. The gathering of memories is getting more and more challenging in the digital era, and is especially burdensome during times of grief. 3: There is an increasing confusion and dissatisfaction with current social media platforms, who often have frustrating policies regarding deceased users and inadequate methods for memorializing loved ones.

The gathering of memories is getting more and more challenging in the digital era

|| Solution


Quilt was designed to make a positive impact on the lives of people suffering the loss of a loved one. Therefore the user experience had to be as simple and robust as possible, minimizing technical frameworks and placing emphasis on user content.

As photos and other artifacts become digital and spread out over an extended network, Quilt is a way for families to gather them in one place.  Contributors to a Quilt can add content through a computer, tablet, or phone. Physical content like printed photographs or handwritten letters can be captured through the camera of any mobile device, edited directly in the Quilt software, and uploaded quickly and easily.

All of the contributed content gets virtually stitched together. Images are automatically sized and placed as you pan and zoom around the quilt, ensuring that you never find an edge or a seam.

As photos and other artifacts become digital and spread out over an extended network, Quilt is a way for families to gather them in one place

|| Market Opportunity

The Quilt business model is simple for the customer, eliminating unnecessary frustration when dealing with the death of a loved one. While planning a funeral, customers typically have a high willingness to pay to simplify painful or burdensome processes, and would find the Quilt service to be a perfect solution.

Quilt is priced at a $40/mo subscription which includes one memorial Quilt with unlimited file hosting and unlimited invitations to add contributors. The Quilt can be archived once complete, which pauses the subscription and prevents any additional uploads but does not take the Quilt offline.

Through reference from a funeral home, customers discover Quilt as a simple and satisfying solution for connecting with their families and sharing important memories. Quilt's invite system helps families to communicate the passing of a loved one, and gives people a no-pressure opportunity to contribute remembrances of the deceased at their own convenience, no matter where they are located geographically. The networking embedded in Quilt is the primary marketing tool of the business. It only takes one invitation and interaction with Quilt to see the value it provides, and each Quilt is capable of demonstrating that value to a large network of new users.


